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Leigh Primary School

Arbor Parent Portal

 We use a Management Information System called Arbor. As part of this system, there is a Parent Portal so that parents can pay for trips, access attendance information, book parent consultations and view their child's progress and attainment. 

Logging In For the First Time

To login into the Parent Portal for the first time and view your child's dashboard, you will need the email that came from your school to welcome you to Arbor. We also recommend that you log in for the first time on a desktop computer, using Chrome as your web browser.

This email will confirm your username (your email on school record) and a link for you to click on that will take you directly to your schools' Parent Portal site.




On your first login only, you will need to enter your child’s date of birth to access the dashboard.

If you are unsure if your school uses Parent Portal, please check with them first.


Your Child's Dashboard 

The dashboard is the first screen that you will see. This gives a quick glance of the student’s daily timetable, behaviour points, meals, notices, current attendance and progress.

You can return to this page at any time by clicking on the school’s logo or choosing Dashboard from any menu.




The Statistics section shows information about the student's attendance, behaviour and progress statistics for the current term.


Guardian Consultations/Parents Evenings

The Guardian Consultations section allows guardians to book time for Parents Evening meetings by selecting one of the available time-frames as per the School's setup.

In the case where no Parents Evening has been arranged, the section will state the below: 


If a Consultation event has been created but the self-scheduling has not yet been enabled by the School yet, the dates of the parents evening will be shown with a note of when self-scheduling is available.


When self-scheduling is available, a notice appears within this same section. Once selected, you can choose the preferred time for a meeting with the school.




This section shows any homework or coursework assignments that are due, overdue or marked. Click into them for more information.




The Accounts section loads the student's current Meals balance at the school. Should the amount display a balance in red, the account would be in debt whilst if the amount shows in black, the account would be in credit. 



Being a guardian for multiple children

If you are the Primary Guardian for more than one child in the school, you can access and view each child through the same portal by clicking on the name at the drop-down menu with the children's names in the top-left of the home page, then change sibling.


On doing this for the first time, you will need to enter your other child’s date of birth to access their dashboard.


Available data on your child

If your child's school has granted access, you will be able to click on different parts of the home page to view more data on your child.

For example, clicking the attendance percentage will bring up the attendance page which breaks down the attendance figures into present, late, or absent.


Once you've clicked on Attendance or another item, you will see a menu appear like so in the left-hand side of the page you are now on: 



Profile - this allows you to see basic information about your child, and highlights any unread notices or actions needing to be completed. You will be able to amend details such as your contact details, medical information, consents, and so on.


Calendar - this shows the student’s calendar for the academic year, including timetable and events.



Attendance > Summary – Statistics and recent attendance for the academic year as shown.



Attendance By Date – This is a breakdown of the student’s attendance, day by day with the mark.



Behaviour – In this section you can view the positive and negative behaviour points given as well as any comments that may have been written about the instances.



Examinations – In this section, you can view and download the student's Exams timetable for the current year. 



Report Cards – All the report cards that your school has published for your child will be available here.