What is Votes for Schools?
It is a weekly resource that takes supports the teaching of topical subjects and questions that align with Relationships and Health Education, PSHE, SMSC, British Values, Citizenship, Global responsibility, mental health and also addresses objectives outlines in the Prevent Duty which addresses the prevention of radicalisation and extremism.
Each week, there is a different lesson presentation that explains a different topical issue and we use these resources as a basis for our whole school and class assemblies and encourage reflection and debate. At the end of the week all children will vote 'yes' or 'no' based upon discussions and a variety of viewpoints presented. This data is collected and compared with schools Nationally and reported to a variety of organisation which often respond to Primary Pupils across the country with statements about the issues they are voting upon.
Why do we use it?
At Leigh Primary School we want our children to talk about topics that are interesting, relevant and important to them as individuals and the world about them. We want them to be able to communicate effectively in order to express their own opinions as well as respect those of others particularly when they differ from their own. Additionally, we want our children to be educated citizens that are informed and ready to be successful in wider society as they grown into young adults and understand that their voice is important in our democracy.
Votes for schools provides explicit opportunities:
- for speaking and listening through discussion of topics
- to challenge concepts such as injustice, greed, poverty, stereotypes and discrimination
- for children to reflect develop, adjust or alter their values and beliefs through open discussions
- for healthy and respectful debate where all opinions and view points are heard
- for children to be curious, informed and heard on current affairs nationally and globally
- to actively engage in democracy each week and to learn about democratic issues in the context of current affairs
How will you know what your children are discussing and how they voted each week?
Every week in the 'Leigh Latest' newsletter there is a box which tells you what the weeks topic has been and what the result was from the prior week. On the school website (this page) you can find a curriculum guide for the weeks topic as well as a discussion sheet so you can carry on the learning at home should you wish to discuss the topic with your child. Scroll down to see some of the topics Leigh Pupils have been discussing.
Academic Year 2024-2025 Topics and Assembly
Autumn Term 2024
Monday Assembly | Vote Topic | Headline Learning | Link to the curriculum guide and home learning | Storybook Assembly |
Week 1 |
Week 2 | ||||
Week 3 | ||||
Week 4 | ||||
Week 5 | ||||
Week 6 | ||||
Week 7 | ||||
Spring Term 2025
Monday Assembly | Vote Topic | Headline Learning | Link to the curriculum guide and home learning | Storybook Assembly |
Week 1 What is a New Year Resolution and are you going to make one?
KS1: Is January the best time to try new things? KS2: Is January the best time to try new things? |
Self Reflection Setting Goals Responsibility Resilience Respect |
KS2: Salt in his shoes - by Roslyn Jordan and Deloris Jordan KS1: Squirrel's New Year's Resolution - by Pat Miller |
Week 2 | ||||
Week 3 | ||||
Week 4 | ||||
Week 5 | ||||
Week 6 | ||||
Week 7 | ||||
Academic Year 2023-2024 Topics and Assembly
Autumn Term 2023 - Topics and Assembly
Vote Topic |
Headline Learning | Link to Curriculum Guide and Home Learning | Story Assembly |
Week 1 Monday School Rules and Lunchtime Rules My mouth is a Volcano used to illustrate one of our rules
Safeguarding Feedback to Pupils from their Pupil Voice including Bullying
Headline Learning Growth Mindset ACT RIGHT - Good Communication, independence and mutual respect
British Values - Mutual Respect, Rule of Law, Acceptance
Bespoke Assembly and Reflection this week - No Votes for Schools
Click image for video link A story which encourages reflection bullying. What is the definition? What should be do if we feel bullied? What should we do if we see bullying? |
Week 2 Monday Assembly Growth Mindset and how it can help us grow - click link for video shown and discussed
Are you resilient when things don't go to plan? (7-11) |
Headline Learning Growth Mindset ACT RIGHT - Resilience/Healthy Minds
SMSC - Ethical issues Prevent Strategy - Express opinions and appreciate impact of their views |
DEAR 'Drop Everything and Read' |
Week 3
Election of House Captains in Monday's Assembly
Should artefacts be returned to where they were taken from? (7-11) |
Headline Learning British Values - Democracy ACT RIGHT - Resilience and independence
SMSC - Ethical issues/moral dilemmas British Values - Rule of Law and respect Prevent Strategy - Questioning skills and techniques to open debate in a safe way
The Giving Tree Click image for video link A story which encourages reflection on respect and kindness within a friendship. |
The Tree who set Healthy Boundaries Click image for video link A story which reflection encourages on respecting boundaries within friendships. |
Week 4 Monday assembly Healthy Eating (snacks, lunches and school dinners)
Should supermarkets warn us about Shrinkflation? (7-11) |
Headline Learning ACT RIGHT - Healthy Bodies and Minds
SMSC - injustice, poverty, greed, discrimination Right and Wrong Prevent Strategy - Debating controversial issues and discussing concerns openly British Values - ACT RIGHT - Independence, healthy minds |
Eat a Rainbow Click image for video link A story which encourages the eating of fruit and vegetables to link with Monday's assembly of eating healthily |
Eat your superpowers Click image for video link A story which encourages the eating of fruit and vegetables and how colour relates to the positive impact on parts of the body |
Week 5 Monday - Harvest Festival
Are black British women's stories told in our history? |
Headline Learning SMSC - social, moral, cultural British Values: Mutual respect, acceptance ACT RIGHT: Healthy Minds
Rosa Parks: Little People, Big Dreams: By Lisbeth Kaiser New in the Little People, Big Dreams series, discover the incredible life of Rosa Parks, ' The Mother of the Freedom Movement', in this inspiring story. In this true story of an inspiring civil rights activist, Rosa Parks grew up during segregation in Alabama, but she was taught to respect herself and stand up for her rights.
RosaWeek 6 Monday - Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy and Climate Change
Do you want more renewable energy? (Primary 5-7) Should the UK open new oil fields? (7-11) |
Headline Learning SMSC - Moral, social British Values: Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty ACT RIGHT: Independence
The boy who harnessed the wind: By William Kamkwamba When fourteen-year-old William Kamkwamba's Malawi village was hit by a drought, everyone's crops began to fail. Without enough money for food, let alone school, William spent his days in the library . . . and figured out how to bring electricity to his village. Persevering against the odds, William built a functioning windmill out of junkyard scraps, and thus became the local hero who harnessed the wind. Lyrically told and gloriously illustrated, this story will inspire many as it shows how - even in the worst of times - a great idea and a lot of hard work can still rock the world. |
Academic Year 2022-2023 Topics and Assembly
Autumn Term 1 2022 - Topics and assembly
Vote Topic |
Headline Learning |
Link to Curriculum Guide and Home Learning |
Story Assembly |
(5 - 7) Will the lioness' win get more girls playing football? (7-11) Will the lionesses' win create long-lasting change? |
Headline Learning Gender inequality/equality Gender stereotypes Cultural events Discrimination
British Values SMSC Citizenship |
(5-7) Would you want to be Prime Minister? (7-11) Is it a good time to become Prime Minister? |
Headline Learning The British democratic parliamentary system Challenges of Leadership
British Values SMSC Citizenship |
Do you feel comfortable with change? |
Headline Learning The life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Loss and bereavement Impact of change and mental health |
British Values SMSC Mental Health Citizenship |
(5-7) Would you buy second hand clothes to help the environment? (7-11) Can the fashion industry slow down its impact on the environment? |
Headline Learning Environmental Issues Climate Change Global Responsibility and citizenship
British Values SMSC Mental Health Citizenship |
Are actions more important than words? |
Headline Learning Discrimination Prejudice Time for change: Action Not Words in relation to these concepts |
British Values SMSC Mental Health Citizenship |
'I walk with Vanessa' a wordless book by Kerascoët https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA9U_11iF4c A story about bullying, kindness, friendship and resilience to stand up for one you believe through being a role model with your actions not only our words. |
Does the internet change how we feel about ourselves? |
Headline Learning Self esteem and confidence Resilience to influences online Online Harm Bills in parliament |
British Values SMSC Mental Health Citizenship |
'Rock What Ya Got' by Samantha Berger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs44juuFBtw&t=129s
When a drawing of a little girl comes to life, she doesn't want to be erased, or put into a picture that doesn't feel like her. Instead, she decides to speak up in a powerful way. And she has some words of advice: embrace what you have, love yourself, and "rock what ya got." |
Should we stop paying for the BBC? |
Headline Learning Citizenship Culture and the Arts Democracy Expressing Opinions |
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
'Me and my fear' by Francesca Sanna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXcCZvxpym8 This story explores the impact of fear and how it can keep you safe but also hold you back. |
Do we know enough about how vaping affects people? (7-11) Are playground trends a good thing? (5-7) |
Headline Learning Health Education = Physical and Mental Resilience - Peer Pressure |
SMSC British Values Mental Health Carry on the conversation at home
'My Shadow is pink' by Scott Stuart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEnOdHNQYV8 This story is about a little boy who thinks he is supposed to like and be a certain way. He learns that often people hid their true self as we are afraid that others will not accept us as we are. He learns to be himself. This story explores gender stereotypes. |
Should everyone be able to vote at 16? |
Headline Learning Democracy Good Communication Expressing Opinions Citizenship Equality |
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
'Lest we forget' by Kerry Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRYtElWaFZY This story explores the experiences of a young boy juxtaposed to his grandfather who fought in the war. The grandfather tells his grandson that he Remembrance Day is sad but we should all remember. This story explores the importance of remembering. |
Is it difficult to stand up against bullying? (5-7) Do fandoms encourage bullying? (Y6) |
Headline Learning Mutual Respect Bullying Mental Health |
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
Weird, Dare and Tough -3 books by Erin Frankel
These stories explore bullying from the perspective of the victim, bystander and perpetrator of the bullying to develop empathy and understanding of this key concept and what to do should a child experience or witness this behaviour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGjficVH_YY |
Will the world cup bring people together? (5-7) Was awarding the World Cup to Qatar a mistake? (7-11) |
Headline Learning Mutual Respect Individual Liberty Tolerance Democracy
SMSC British Values |
Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai
Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala inspires children with her strong message that your voice, your words, your art can make a difference to the world we live in. |
Should everyone learn sign language? (5-7) Will increased awareness get more people learning BSL? (7-11) |
Headline Learning Mutual Respect Tolerance
SMSC British Values |
Can Bears Ski? https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/cbeebies-bedtime-stories-rose-ayling-ellis-can-bears-ski This story read and signed by Rose Ayling-Ellis helps children to consider what it might feel like to be deaf and develop empathy. |
Are people more generous in times of need? |
Headline Learning Mutual Respect Charity
SMSC British Values |
Singing Practice for End of Term Service |
Spring Term 2023 - Topics and Assembly
Vote Topic | Headline Learning | Link to Curriculum Guide and Home Learning | Story Assembly - Friday |
Will science fix the world's problems? (5-7) Will science solve the world's problems? (7-11) |
Headline Learning Global responsibility Mutual Respect Rule of Law Individual Liberty
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
Here we are - Oliver Jeffers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0J7ocPOsW4 The girl who thought in pictures - The Story of Dr Temple Grandin by Julia Finley Mosca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcruLjS0PJY The story in KS1 this week (Here we are) encouraged children to reflect on the world, what is special about it and why it needs to be looked after. In KS2 they look at the inspirational story of Temple Grandin who was regarded as different by others. This difference was what made her special, led to her seeing the world differently and enabling her to make it better through her discovery and innovation. This story celebrates and encourages respect for the differences between us all. |
Is it okay for the Government to change its mind? (7-11) Is it okay for leaders to change their minds? (5-7)
Headline Learning Teamwork Leadership Rule of Law Democracy
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
Ish - Peter Reynolds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxVSEUZiNWE
In this story Ramon wanted everything to be perfect; this is often unrealistic and can lead to disappointment. In this story it led to Ramon giving up and ceasing to try to draw. However, his sister helped to show him that actually 'imperfect' can be better, more unique and lead to more learning and a range of outcomes that are unexpected. This encouraged Ramon to become more resilient and begin enjoying drawing once again. This story is linked to our ACT RIGHT principle of resilience this week. |
Do you know what disrespect looks like? |
Headline Learning Monday's Assembly (Strike action and the reason why people strike) Mutual Respect Rule of Law Tolerance/Acceptance Individual Liberty Healthy Minds
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
Beautiful Opps - Barney Salzberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5NaB60jxrw
The story this week looks again at resilience in relation to making mistakes. The children explored how they feel when they make a mistake in line with the Zones of Regulation. They reflected upon strategies to respond to mistakes: turn it into something else, disguise it, embrace it and don't hide it, just try again, celebrate and share it to help others, or ask for help to understand it. |
Do we get enough rest? |
Headline Learning Monday's Assembly - (To reflect on the use of good manners) Mental Health Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
After the fall by Dan Santat
The Great Realization- - Tomos Roberts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA7fGLK35wQ In KS1 the children explored the book 'After the Fall' and the principle of resilience from ACT RIGHT. They discussed resilience as bouncing back from adversity and reflected on their ability to respond to difficult and unpleasant situations using Humpty Dumpty as an example. In KS2 they explored the impact of the pandemic on humans and the Earth, How did humans respond with Resilience? How did nature and the climate show resilience when the world, for a time, changed pace? |
Should influencers be responsible for our online safety? (7-11) Does the internet make us want to copy others? (5-7)
Headline Learning Monday's Assembly (Online Safety and lessons linked to the story of Chicken Clicking by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross) Mental Health Safeguarding Online Safety Rule of Law Resilience Independence Healthy Minds
SMSC British Values |
The internet is like a puddle - by Shona Innes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59zia4DVPIg
This story highlights to the children that the internet can be a fun and great place to explore; however, it also explains that it can pose risks when certain safety rules are not followed. |
Do we see enough LGBT+ stories on screen? (7-11) Do stories help us understand differences? (5-7) |
Headline Learning To understand what World Pride is and why it is celebrated.
Mental Health Safeguarding Resilience Healthy Minds Tolerance Acceptance Mutual Respect |
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
PRIDE - The story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag - Click Here The inspiring story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow flag tell the history of his dream and the creation of a global symbol of equality and inclusion. |
Book Week for Leigh Primary School |
This week 5 stories were explored with powerful messages. This was the theme of our week and the stories were wide ranging in their messages that the children reflected upon each day.
Is it easy to set boundaries? |
Headline Learning To understand what boundaries are and how to set and express them.
Mental Health Mutual Respect Safeguarding
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home
Breathing is my superpower - Click Here This story explores how breathing can be used to as one strategy when uncomfortable emotions are encountered. |
Should we learn more about what young carers do? (7-11) Can you spot when other people need help? (5-7) |
Headline Learning To understand what young carers do.
This week we will also be highlighting Comic Relief.
Mental Health SMSC Resilience Independence Mutual respect
SMSC British Values |
The Invisible - Click Here
Will using more AI make our lives better? (7-11) Should computers ever think for themselves? (5-7) |
Headline Learning To understand what decisions computers can make and whether computers should think for themselves and the impact this will have. |
SMSC British Values |
Even Superheroes have bad days - Click Here
Summer Term 2023- Topics and Assembly
Vote Topic | Headline Learning | Link to Curriculum Guide and Home Learning | Story Assembly - Friday |
Should more be done to protect our oceans? | To understand the significance of our oceans, what is being done to protect them, what should and could be done. |
SMSC British Values Carry on the conversation at home |
The Mess that we made - Click Here |
Are you interested in the Coronation? | To find out about the significant events in King Charles III's life and to engage the children in this National Event. |
SMSC British Values |
Little People, Big Dreams King Charles - click here
Should adults choose the books we read? |
To reflect upon an adults role in guiding book choices and a child's. To reflect upon the resilience and what it means to be dyslexic through story book assembly. |
SMSC British Values ACT RIGHT |
A walk in the words - click here